We deliver a professional product with all the content banks are looking for to lend. The business plan will include an executive summary, mission and vision statement, key to success, business structure, market trend analysis, sales and marketing strategy, pricing strategy and so much more. Our 3 year financial projections are prepared by a CPA and will definitely impress any banker making a loan decision. Please fill out as much information as you can on the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible to further discuss your plan.
What You Get
- Limited Time offer $2,500 package for Business Plan and a 3 Year Financial Projection.
- OR Business Plan only $2,000
- OR 3 Year Financial Projection only $1,000
- Business Plan and Financial Projection made to help satisfy bank loan requirements.
- Standard 1-2 week turnaround time
- Express option – 5 day turnaround time $500 Fee
Questions for General Business Plan
When reaching out, our team will request the following information from you. We will need this information to help build out your business plan. If you don’t have certain items or information, just let us know.
- Legal business name
- Physical Address of business
- Website
- Phone (business line and best contact number)
- Logo
- Ownership structure
- Names of Owners
- Short bio on owners: Experience, accomplishments, education, etc.
- Short Description of business, clientele served, products offered, what purpose/experience it provides
- Any previous industry experience (Address and name of business)
- Previous business Sales and Profitability if applicable
- Size of new location, Sq ft
- How many employees will you have
- What is average industry profitability, costs, sales, etc.
- Any particular marketing strategy used, social media, SEO, word of mouth, etc.
- What sales and net income projections would you like to show
- Pictures of location, products, services, etc.
- Customer Reviews if applicable
- Local Competitors